July 15, 2019
Another gender dissenter gets sacked
A lawsuit has been launched by an American psychiatrist who was fired for promoting an opposing view to transgender ideology.
A lawsuit has been launched by an American psychiatrist who was fired for promoting an opposing view to transgender ideology.
Australian doctor, John Whitehall, claims “propaganda prevails” regarding the transgender agenda in sport.
Scottish doctor David Mackereth is defending his right to proclaim scientific fact in the course of his employment, claiming he was unlawfully fired for hypothetically refusing to use preferred pronouns.
US cyclist and orthopaedic surgeon Dr Jennifer Assali has spoken out about transgender athletes after “immersing” herself in scientific research.
Radical gender activism denies biological reality in favour of feelings and buzz words ‘inclusion’ and ‘tolerance.’
'The role of the GP in caring for gender-questioning and transgender patients' is a new 12-page policy guide issued by The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to warn about the issues around transitioning children.
Elevating ideology over safety could be putting lives at risk in Queensland mines.
The Herald Sun has reported:
Police were called to a scuffle between a man and a transgender woman (biological man identifying as a woman) at a Denny’s Restaurant.
The results of a new Accelerating Acceptance report has delivered a significant blow to radical trans activists.
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