Latest News from Binary

September 11, 2022

Ambulance Victoria’s expensive virtue signalling stunt

People are dying and the health system in Victoria is crumbling, but Dan Andrews’ government is high-fiving themselves for wasting $760,000 on their woke agenda. 33 people have died waiting for paramedics, and the system is facing a massive crisis, continually failing to meet benchmarks.

May 05, 2021

Westmead report reveals a lack of care for children

Researchers from Westmead Hospital in NSW have released a paper that raises grave concerns about the medicalisation of gender dysphoria for children. A five year study, involving almost 80 children with the average age of 13, found that underlying issues and contributing factors to the dysphoria are being ignored. These include things “such as family trauma, sexual abuse, depression and autism”.

April 14, 2021

A Victorian health organisation’s non-binary propaganda campaign

Where is The North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network getting their advice from? And who authorised them as social engineers? With the claim it will help confused children, they are insisting on non-gendered playing teams, rainbow flags and unisex bathrooms. They are also campaigning to erase male/female distinctions from our language. How will cancelling affectionate terms of endearment that we use every day help vulnerable children?

October 09, 2020

Are trans treatments for kids safe?

Concerns regarding transitioning treatments for children have been ongoing in the UK for the past 15 years. Doctors began raising the alarm in 2005 but for unknown reasons, recommendations at the time were not implemented. It has been suggested that one reason is the demand for the service was "greater than the capacity of the unit to cope."

How you can help


Equip yourself, family, and friends with these helpful resources on the trans issue.


Your donation goes a long way to exposing the gender agenda, keeping Australians informed, and allows us to provide resources and support to people who refuse to kowtow to radical gender ideology in their workplace, in health care, or education.


Our organisation aims to promote and celebrate the inherent differences between boys and girls, men and women. We uphold the biological assertion that there are two complementary sexes.


Volunteer with Binary and help voters fight against the trans agenda and celebrate the true diversity of men and women, to defend vulnerable children, protect women in sport, and promote the biological truth that gender is binary: male and female.