Latest News from Binary

November 03, 2020

Jessica Yaniv ain’t no beauty queen

Jessica “wax my balls” Yaniv is in the news again. Claiming continual ‘victimhood’ status, Yaniv is attempting to sue Toronto’s Canada Galaxy Pageants for not accepting an application to be in a women’s only beauty pageant.

October 29, 2020

Parents fear being labelled transphobic

Mark Latham’s bill to ban radical gender ideology in schools, which will not be voted on until next year, is exposing the ideological agenda already in schools.

October 29, 2020

NSW MP’s advocate re writing history

Opposition is building to One Nation’s MLC Mark Latham bill to ban radical gender ideology in schools. Not surprisingly the push is emotionally driven and denies scientific reality.

October 27, 2020

Radical gender program is still available in NSW

A public servant mislead the NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell last week, falsely indicating a radical gender ideology program had been pulled. The NSW Education Standards Authority has admitted the program is still available. It is unclear whether the person responsible will be sacked.

October 23, 2020

Activists in the education sector exposed again

One Nation NSW MLC Mark Latham has again uncovered the secretive and dangerous agenda of activists in the education sector. Radical gender ideology is being promoted in the classroom despite Safe Schools being banned in 2017. Parental knowledge and consent is also being denied by some sectors.

October 21, 2020

A non-binary tomato ad

Local university students have created a ‘woke’ cartoon style ad that has been posted by Devon & Cornwall Police in an attempt to promote diversity and inclusion.