November 13, 2020
Cross dressing serial killer released
In a blow for the victim's families, a violent murderer has been released from prison.
In a blow for the victim's families, a violent murderer has been released from prison.
Another biological male has taken a crown intended for a woman.
Tasmania Liberals have taken a stand against one of their own, speaker Sue Hickey, in the battle against the radical gender agenda. A motion was carried, that is not binding on the government, to repeal the changes to gender and birth certificates.
Radical gender activism continues to be uncovered in Australian schools. Despite being banned in NSW in 2017, gender fluid ideology is still being imposed on young and vulnerable students, without parental knowledge or consent.
DC Comics is proudly supporting radical gender ideology and the indoctrination of kids. They have just announced a new non-binary character called Kid Quick.
Finally, some common sense in the transgenders in sport debate. A scientist has stated that ideology must not trump biology and that the onus is on trans advocates to prove there is no threat to women’s safety or privacy by including them in female sporting competitions.
The LGBT lobby is making another strong push to the United Nations.
Jessica “wax my balls” Yaniv is in the news again. Claiming continual ‘victimhood’ status, Yaniv is attempting to sue Toronto’s Canada Galaxy Pageants for not accepting an application to be in a women’s only beauty pageant.
Would you apologise for making a statement that supports biological reality?
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