Latest News from Binary

November 07, 2019

Only women can birth children

A UK birth coach, also known as a doula, has been forced out of her profession for upholding a biological definition of women.

November 05, 2019

Male player wins female cricketer of the year

Another bloke identifying as a woman is making waves in a female sporting competition. A UK cricketer with an enormous advantage is playing as a woman and was just awarded the 2019 Kent Women Player of the Year.

November 04, 2019

Harmful book to stay on shelves while classification process progresses

A book about transgender youth that has been banned in several countries remains for sale in Australia despite numerous complaints having been made to Australia classification authorities.  Beyond Magenta: Transgender teens speak out contains several explicit, depictions of sex acts including paedophilia but has not yet been ‘refused classification’ by the Australian government.