Latest News from Binary

January 11, 2024

Can women advertise for female disability carers?

Julia Gillard’s government removed sex-based protections from the Sex Discrimination Act in 2014. This leaves women in hospitals, prisons, nursing homes and in the community facing males who appropriate womanhood as intimate carers. It could be against the law to object to these men in such roles.

December 15, 2023

Surf Life Saving goes woke

Volunteer Surf Lifesavers have been told to “retrain” their brains when it comes to sex and gender. Instead of observing biological reality they will be asked to deny biological science and lie about reality.

December 14, 2023

An important victory in the UK against gender ideology

James Esses, a trainee therapist who was removed from his master’s degree in psychotherapy and lost his membership of the council after expressing his concerns about transgender treatment for young people has won an important victory in the UK.

December 14, 2023

Gender ideology overhaul in New Zealand

The new government coalition in New Zealand has determined to shift away from gender ideology back to academic achievement in education. The existing gender, sexuality, and relationship guidelines in schools will be overhauled and parts of it scrapped altogether.