Latest News from Binary

November 24, 2023

No more males in Women’s International Cricket

International women’s cricket will now be females only. The ICC has said no to males in female divisions, but only at an international level. It is still up to national organisations to implement their own policies.

November 15, 2023

35 Australian medical practitioners sign an open letter

Medical practitioners in Australia have begun to join forces and speak up about the harmful gender practices being conducted on minors. More than 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and doctors have written an open letter to NSW MPs criticising current practices, including the “validity and reliability” of the use of irreversible treatments such as the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for people under 18:

November 14, 2023

Parents rally against unisex toilets for children

Federal senator Sarah Henderson has called out the blatant misuse of power by the Victorian state Deputy Premier Ben Carroll. Concerned parents have been informing the community of plans to build unisex toilets without separate facilities for boys and girls at their local school. Carroll attempted to shut them down by issuing threats.