Latest News from Binary

September 28, 2020

Equal Opportunity Tasmania threatens critics with legal action

Unelected bureaucrats at Equal Opportunity Tasmania have warned an elected federal senator that she and her supporters could be "prosecuted for “insulting” the state’s anti-discrimination commissioner in a rapidly escalating war over free speech in the transgender debate."

September 25, 2020

It's just not cricket!

One Nation MP Mark Latham has highlighted the absurdity of Cricket Australia's obsession with identity politics.

September 22, 2020

Why lawfare is the trendy weapon of destruction

Free speech, debating the legitimacy of certain ideas and critically analysing ideologies, is coming under threat in Australia. Lawfare has become a trendy weapon of choice in an attempt to silence opponents and to avoid presenting facts in the discussion.

September 19, 2020

How Facebook censors science in trans debate

Facebook fact checkers deny reality, ignore science and evidence-based data to champion the trans agenda. Women’s sex based rights, safety and fairness are of no concern to the power brokers who prefer fiction over fact.