Penalised women heading to Canberra’s Parliament House

Nine women who have been penalised for speaking about women’s sex-based rights are heading to Canberra’s Parliament House to address federal politicians, the media and the public.

The “Why Can’t Women Talk About Sex” event will counter the negative narrative that women campaigning for sex-based rights are “Nazi-sympathisers”, “anti-trans”, “transphobes” or “bigots.” 

Each woman will share her own story directly to decision makers and all Australians.


The same women addressed politicians, the media and the public in July at NSW Parliament House. 

Senator Alex Antic will be hosting the event and has been a champion for women’s sex-based rights, as well as child safe-guarding, in the senate. Other politicians will also be invited to attend and share their views. 

All of the women who will be speaking have faced serious consequences for simply declaring that no-one can change sex and that women need sex-based rights. 

Some have been stood down from their jobs, others are embroiled in legal battles; all have been falsely smeared and harassed for holding scientific, realistic views about sex.

Dr Jillian Spencer has lodged a complaint with the Queensland Human Rights Commission over being stood down from the Queensland Children’s Hospital for questioning “affirmation-only” pathways for children. She has grave concerns about the irreversible nature of medical interventions for gender questioning children. 

Sall Grover is fighting in the Federal Court to show that sex and gender identity are at odds. A male named Roxy Tickle demanded access to her female-only app and Sall said no. 

Louise Elliot is a Hobart City Councillor who is facing legal action for stating men are not women and women deserve safe single sex spaces in bathrooms. She has been accused of ‘inciting hate’ – for wanting sex-based rights upheld – by the Tasmanian Equal Opportunity Commissioner.  

Moira Deeming, as we all know, was treated abominably by the Victorian Liberal Leader John Pesutto, for attending a Let Women Speak Rally. Anyone who takes the time to listen to Moira knows she is a reasonable, intelligent, compassionate woman who did nothing wrong. 

Angie Jones is a Melbourne based mother. A self-described left-wing feminist who has been defamed by Victorian leaders for attending and helping organise the Let Women Speak rally. She has been harassed, doxed and intimidated for speaking out, especially in defence of marginalised women.  

Jasmine Sussex is a breastfeeding expert who was not only sacked for stating the plain truth that males cannot breastfeed, she was also pursued by the eSafety Commissioner for posting the facts on social media. 

Katherine Deves was treated appallingly by the media when she ran in the federal election and is constantly trolled and harassed for her fierce defence of women’s sex-based rights. 

Assoc. Prof. Holly Lawford-Smith has endured targeted harassment at Melbourne University for her left-wing feminist view that men cannot be women. This is clearly not a left or right wing belief, it is reality.  

And as you know I am facing two applications for APVO’s and two vilification complaints for identifying male bodied players in female sports. 

This will be another powerful event showcasing the sad and sorry state our nation is in when it comes to truth, science and reality. No one can change their sex. No one should be penalised for defending the truth.

For the safety and security of the women, all guests will be verified and approved prior to the event.