June 12, 2024
Australian doctor denies science and reality in court
Two parents are deeply divided over their daughter who wishes she had been born male. They are battling the case out in the Federal Family Court.
Two parents are deeply divided over their daughter who wishes she had been born male. They are battling the case out in the Federal Family Court.
NSW MLC John Ruddick has delivered a powerful speech to the state parliament about the excessive funding of rainbow activism. Up to $14 million dollars and at least 22 agencies receive tax-payer funding to support their ‘neo-religion.’
News of an encouraging victory has emerged from Scotland. After a three year process a tribunal “found that Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre had unlawfully discriminated against Roz Adams, saying that management had conducted a ‘heresy hunt’ against her.”
This is simply horrifying and unacceptable. A young woman who was sold the lie she could change her sex has attempted to cut off her own breasts!
Victoria state Liberal opposition leader John Pesutto has issued an apology to Kellie Jay Keen and Angie Jones after falsely smearing them as Nazi’s or Nazi sympathisers.
Liberal MP Bev MacArthur has continued her advocacy of female sex-based rights as well as the primacy of sex over gender identity. She continues to take her role as an elected parliamentarian seriously and speaks to these issues with intelligence and compassion.
Senator Claire Chandler has consistently advocated for female single sex sports for years.
Libertarian NSW Upper House member John Ruddick has spoken in parliament about a new campaign to remove the term ‘gender identity’ from legislation pertaining to treatments and policy.
Sydney lawyer Katherine Deves will represent any women who feel like they are forced to play against male born players.
This so-called news reporting is insane to read.
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