Canberra Chemist promotes the cruel practice of chest binding

Chest binding can cause serious health issues

Capital Chemist in Southlands Canberra have boasted on Facebook they now stock harmful devices for gender-confused youth

Chest binders and tape will now be sold over the counter for young women who hate their bodies and are usually dealing with serious underlying issues like Autism, trauma, abuse, eating disorders and depression.

Chest binding is as horrible as it sounds.

It involves binding a girl's breasts so they either do not develop or are made less prominent.

The idea is to make young girls look more masculine or keep them looking childlike.

It is tight, it restricts circulation and can cause serious breathing difficulties.

Do you remember the outrage when it was revealed Chinese parents were binding the feet of little girls to restrict their growth? It is barbaric and cruel. This is no different.

For years, the transgender extremists have provided instructions and often the materials required in order to flatten breasts.

Every girl will develop breasts, it is a normal and beautiful part of the female maturation process.

It is one of the factors that distinguish little girls from women. 

Puberty may be a stressful time, but it is a natural and necessary human experience. It is how our bodies and brains are designed to mature into an adult. 

To interrupt or halt this maturing process is cruel. No child can consent to have their adult life so seriously impacted.

This chemist is selling these cruel devices over the counter without expert medical consultation and with total disregard for the potential underlying issues these children are experiencing. 

It is horrifying and distressing that this has become accessible in Australia without any challenge from those who are meant to be safeguarding children.