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Australian PM fumbles through a discussion about women
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was asked by television personality Piers Morgan the very simple question, “What is a Woman?”
It is the second time Albo has been asked the question in front of the camera and both times he has responded, “adult female.”
A technically correct answer but not one his party or policies reflect.
Morgan went on to ask about Albo’s opinion of males in female sporting divisions. Refusing to answer, he side-stepped and claimed that Australian sporting organisations have the matter in hand and can decide for themselves.
“The sporting organisations are dealing with that issue,” he said.
Morgan pressed the matter and asked again if it was fair to allow males in women’s sport.
“In Australia the sporting codes are able to deal with that, and they have,” the PM responded.
Interesting. If by “they have dealt with that” means allowing males to play in female divisions, while peak bodies not only refuse to answer complaints but penalise people who oppose them then I guess he is correct.
Thousands of Australians are opposed to male bodies in female sports.
Yet the Human Rights Commission gave peak bodies guidelines that encourage males in female sports like cricket, swimming, netball, athletics, football and tennis. They refuse to define the term “woman” and can’t explain why a female division exists when males can participate in them.
Sporting organisations can exclude male bodies from female divisions if they want to, but most have chosen to put gender identity above biological sex. Most peak bodies also refuse to handle complaints from players, parents, coaches or officials who have concerns about such policies.
During the interview the PM also said he was “not a fan of a very controversial visit in Australia that was designed to stir up issues”.
He was referring to Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker)’s recent Let Women Speak events.
These were events around the country where women were invited to speak about how they are affected by males in their spaces and services. Women from across the political spectrum, form diverse cultural backgrounds met in capital cities to share their experiences.
Imagine stating, as a male leader, that you are against letting women speak! The Prime Minister has given no reasonable answer as to what exactly he doesn’t want women to say, but his tone, body language and words in this interview all indicated that he is against women speaking in public about how males impact their spaces and services.
He may have said the words that women are adult females, but his actions, tone and policies certainly do not seem to support that view.
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