Women’s cyclocross is being dominated by men

Women’s cyclocross is being dominated by males in the USA. 

Tessa (Michael) Johnson and Lesley (Wesley) Mumford shamefully participated in the female events and took the podium afterwards to celebrate their victories over women.

Johnson stole first place from other female competitors in the single speed and 2nd place in the women’s elite.

Despite being a total beginner, Lesley (Wesley) Mumford came 2nd in the women's category 3 at the Colorado State Cyclocross Championships. 

“I heart bikes” has been sharing the disappointing results on X along with photos of the men.

Former Swimmer and women’s sport advocate Riley Gaines has offered to pay the equivalent prize money to any female athlete that refuses to compete against the men. 

In Australia, males are competing in female divisions at community level in most sports, as well as some elite levels. 

The Australian Institute of Sport promotes and protects these males under their policy guidelines of “inclusion.” Their inclusion however means the automatic exclusion of many females who either miss out on a spot or have to self-exclude because they do not want to share the field or change rooms with males.

Australian law does make provisions to exclude males from female divisions but very few sporting organisations are willing to use this law to protect women. Instead they threaten fines and expulsion from competitions.

It is time female athletes, their coaches and other officials took a stand anyway. It is the only way we will be able to save women’s sports from males who appropriate womanhood.