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NSW Equality Bill could be debated 8 February 2024
Self-identification for gender identity is dangerous and insulting.
It is based on the lie that a person can change their sex.
They cannot.
No one on earth has ever changed their sex!
Independent MP Alex Greenwich has introduced a bill to the NSW parliament that will allow any male to simply claim he is a woman and be able to change his official identity documents. He will be allowed access to women’s sports, spaces and services without any challenge what-so-ever.
Anyone who objects will face criminal charges.
Sex-based language will be out-lawed and ‘misgendering’ will be a criminal offence.
How ludicrous! How absurd.
NSW residents who simply speak the truth, evidenced by facts and reality could be charged with ‘misgendering’ someone for not going along with their charade.
What can you do?
Speak up and speak loudly!
Contact members of parliament in NSW and ask them to vote no. Email them, call them and visit them.
Ask them to clearly define the terms male and female, and ask them to protect those definitions in law.
Ask them if they will stand for women’s rights or throw away women’s rights for the sake of a few men’s feelings.
Sign and share this petition https://www.binary.org.au/2023_nsw_conversion_therapy and use the ideas on that page to construct an email to the MP’s.
Use examples of males who appropriate female stereotypes and have accessed women’s sport, women’s spaces and women’s services. There are countless examples on the News section of this website.
If you live in NSW you can meet with other supporters outside NSW Parliament House on Thursday 8th February at 10am. Let me know if you can make it and I will give you more details.
Don’t let this opportunity pass by.
We must stand up and say no to self ID!
Most politicians only care about numbers – so let them know, unequivocally, where you stand.
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