Protect parents and children from harmful conversion therapy laws

The NSW state parliament is proposing to introduce dangerous laws to ban ‘conversion therapy practices’. 

These laws are a threat to parental rights and will increase harm to children and young people in the state.

They claim this is about banning harmful and coercive conversion practice therapies.

But the fact is these laws will directly expose parents and counsellors to criminal charges if they don’t agree that gender-confused children must be put on a pathway towards hormonal and surgical transition.

Instead of recognising that mums and dads know what’s best for their children, these laws aim to give the power to the state.

You and I know that mums and dads know what’s best for their children, not politicians.

These proposed laws want to take this right away from parents and put it into the hands of politicians. 

They are pushing an extreme ideology and your child could be the next victim.

Sign this petition now to tell the New South Wales parliament to stop the attack on our parental rights and pushing gender ideology on vulnerable children by opposing these dangerous laws. 

Yours for men and women,

Kirralie Smith
Binary Spokeswoman

To New South Wales Members of Parliament

As a parent and a concerned citizen, I am standing up for children and their parents by opposing new conversion therapy laws proposed for New South Wales.

Under the guise of banning harmful and coercive conversion practice therapies, these proposed laws will directly expose parents and counsellors to criminal charges if they don’t agree that gender-confused children must be put on a pathway towards hormonal and surgical transition.

These are matters for parents, not the state, to decide, in the best interests of their own children.

Other countries like the United Kingdom and Sweden are pulling back from controversial puberty blockers and body-mutilating surgeries for children.

New South Wales however, is pushing ahead with laws that experts warn will push more children towards such harmful and irreversible treatments.

A growing number of young people who regret their transitions are speaking up and sharing their devastating stories of living with the irreversible and lifelong effects of these invasive treatments which they underwent at a young age.

We can’t let more young people fall prey to this dangerous ideology.

We call on you as members of the NSW parliament to vote against these dangerous laws and protect vulnerable children who will be harmed as a result. 

Just let our children be children.

4,043 signatures
Goal: 10000 signatures

Will you sign?