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Male football player breaks a woman’s knee
This guy plays soccer in a women’s competition in the UK. He has already broken one woman’s knee and now he is threatening to sue opponents who refuse to play against him.
Francesca Needham, 30, has left women feeling “terrified” of playing against him:
When word spread about the incident, some players refused to play against Needham for 'safety' reasons and two matches in the Sheffield and Hallamshire Women's League were called off.
Now Needham has announced she is to 'step down from playing football for the foreseeable future' for the sake of her club Rossington Main Ladies, which is based in a former pit village near Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
But far from backing down, the player is threatening to sue as she said she has abided by all Football Association policies on transgender players.
In his arrogance and self-centredness, the male player has posted a statement to Facebook threatening women, saying that he is going to try and sue them:
“This unfortunate circumstance has prompted me to investigate pursuing a case of discrimination, as I believe it represents a breach of a code of conduct regarding diversity and inclusion, as well as safeguarding of adults in football established by both the Football Association and the Sheffield and Hallamshire Women and Girls League.”
She said she was standing down in the best interests of club and teammates, stating: “It’s disheartening to acknowledge that this situation contradicts everything in the diversity and inclusion policies, given that I have diligently met every single requirement set out by the Football Association to play.”
And she added, “I sincerely hope that this issue of perceived discrimination against me can be resolved peacefully and promptly.”
It is incredible to think he or his teammates could justify their position. There are male and female divisions for good reason. It is all about fairness and safety!
The manager of one of the teams to refuse to play explained the boycott. “I have 16 and 17 year old players playing for me and their parents weren't too keen to put their welfare at risk.”
He said it was a ‘welfare’ issue from the club's perspective rather than a ‘transgender issue.’
The male can still play soccer, in either the male team or a mixed/open team. No one is saying he can’t play. The fact is he is not female and never will be.
Fiona McAnena at Fair Play For Women said: “Footballers are separated by sex for very good reasons.”
“These women didn't choose mixed football, they chose women's football. It's not because this player is trans, it is because they are male.”
She said it “doesn’t matter” whether the player has fully transitioned or not as Sports Council guidance states “it's not possible to reverse the effects of male puberty.”
She added: “The law says you can separate in sport on the basis of sex if that is necessary for fairness and safety and clearly it is.”
Football Australia, Football NSW and other football associations around the country have similar policies. Last year there were several males playing in female divisions. Any woman, parent, coach or official who objected was threatened with sanctions, fines, expulsion or legal action if they vocalised their objections. I am still facing courts and tribunals for identifying two of the males.
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