The Victorian government includes males in female-pain health inquiry

This Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan, and her government, don’t know what a woman is. Despite not being able to define half of the population, she has gone ahead and commissioned “The Inquiry into Women’s Pain” which is a part of a $153m women’s health transformation.

The inquiry is accepting submissions from “anyone who identifies as a woman, though they may have a different sex at birth”. 

What they are referring to here is males.

So the Victorian government is accepting submissions about women’s pain, from males, who have a completely different physiological make-up and will never experience female-related pain. 

Costumes, drugs and surgery that mask a man’s maleness do not change his reproductive system from male to female and he will never understand or experience what it is to have a female reproductive system.

A male will never endure period pain, endometriosis or cervical cancer, yet the Victorian government wants to indulge some men’s fantasies that they can be women by including them in a women’s health inquiry. 

It is insulting and ridiculous!

A prominent Victorian surg­eon, who declined to be named due to the risk of deregistration, also spoke out against the move, saying it was an example of “gender affirming care creating havoc in health care”.

He said when it came to health care, biology needed to be put before identity: “Patients present to doctors in their ‘new’ gender and don’t reveal their actual biology. This has massive ramifications on care.

“If doctors say anything negative, they can be reported to the regulator or even have their registration threatened.

“Junior doctors spend time learning how to speak to these people and not focusing on the basics like diabetes, asthma or breast cancer.”

Medical practitioners cannot criticise the government’s lunacy for fear of deregistration.

How can anyone be expected to trust a government, or a doctor, that denies reality, rejects science and gaslights women with the lie that a man can be female?