The Australian Bureau of Statistics blatantly lies on sex and gender

The 2021 Census asked people to indicate if they were male, female or non-binary, and a recent report states the “addition of the sex question did not yield meaningful data.”

Now, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have issued a report falsely stating that a person can change their sex, a blatant lie, that even contradicts their own words written in the previous sentence of the report.

A person's sex is based upon their sex characteristics, such as their chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs. While typically based upon the sex characteristics observed and recorded at birth or infancy, a person's reported sex can change over the course of their lifetime and may differ from their sex recorded at birth. Gender is about social and cultural differences in identity, expression and experience as a man, woman or non-binary person.

If a person’s sex is determined by chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs it is impossible to change sex. Sex is written on every cell in a person’s body.

Chromosomes do not change over the course of a person’ lifetime.

Hormone production can’t change, it can only be masked or superficially overridden with drugs.

Reproductive organs can be surgically butchered but cannot be naturally manufactured so as to change sex.

How can a highly tax-payer funded organisation get away with such blatant hypocrisy and falsehoods?

Gender is simply a social or cultural expression of a person’s personality. It is not measurable, consistent or reliable.

The ABS now recommends four questions be included in the 2026 Census.

The four questions (sex recorded at birth, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation) together lead to a comprehensive understanding of a person’s sex, current gender, if they have variations of sex characteristics and their sexual orientation.

The Standard notes that the terms sex and gender are sometimes used interchangeably, for example a respondent might provide a gender response to a sex question. Asking sex recorded at birth may reduce the number of gender responses to a sex question, and inclusion of a specific gender question may also improve the accuracy of reporting against a sex question.

The ABS also stated that the results from the 2021 Census are not useful.

The non-binary sex option was marked on the Census form for 43,220 respondents or 0.17% of the Australian population. Analysis indicates this number is not indicative of any single characteristic. Responses show the concept of non-binary sex was not consistently understood and was perceived in different ways by different people. Results cannot be used as a measure of gender diversity, non-binary genders or trans populations. Additionally, it cannot be used as a measure for diverse sexualities, nor can it be interpreted as the number of people with variations of sex characteristics. 

Respondents who selected the non-binary sex option in the online form were able to provide more information in a text box. Of those who marked non-binary sex, one third provided a text response.

There was no consistency in the responses and none of them are measurable or reliable indicators of anything that can be considered useful.

Binary spokeswoman Kirralie Smith said tax-payer funded organisations that consult ACON and are captured by the trans agenda cannot be trusted to report accurately or reliably.

“Sex is immutable,” she said.

“It is a biological term that refers to the observation of characteristics that just are.

“Sex cannot change. To suggest a person’s sex can change is ludicrous.

“Gender is a personality expression that means something different to anyone who is asked. It is not a reliable marker.

“The ABS and other tax-payer funded organisations must be held to a higher standard. They must rely on facts instead of promoting a politically charged agenda.”