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Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price defends women’s sex-based rights
Finally, the tide is beginning to turn.
The Australian newspaper yesterday reported about the threat to women’s rights and child safety.
After our “Why Can’t Women Talk About Sex” event at Parliament House in Canberra, this is the headline the publication ran with: “Opposition Indigenous Affairs spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says ‘women are under attack’.”
Yes, yes they are!
After years of being branded and smeared with inaccurate and harmful labels such as “transphobic” or “bigot”, this is a great start in the right direction.
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is an extremely busy and courageous woman working harder than most during the national Voice to Parliament campaign.
The Senator carved out some precious time to attend our event and make strong remarks about the serious nature of women and children being further marginalised as a result of gender ideology.
“In the Senate, we had an opportunity to vote for an inquiry into gender-affirming treatments for children. It should never have been a conscience vote because this issue speaks to the human rights of our most vulnerable, and that is our children,” Senator Price told the small group gathered in Parliament House.
“This debate, this argument, the way it’s being played out, the way in which women are now under attack for standing up for the vulnerable, for standing up for children, is so many steps backward to where we’ve come to fight for our rights as women.”
Senator Price said women such as Ms Deves and Ms Deeming were “brave” and had been “thrown under the bus” in expressing concerns for women’s rights being impinged upon by transgender women.
“That sends a message to our vulnerable women, women who don't come from Western cultures, that they aren’t important, that their voices don’t matter,” she said.
“If you can have a movement that has seen to provide equal rights and opportunity and respect for women in Western culture … suddenly be overturned and go backward, well, that leaves our most vulnerable in a more marginalised position.
“That puts us further behind the eight-ball.”
Senator Price committed to pursue the issue and said it was on her list of priorities after the Voice campaign. Indigenous women are already among the most marginalised groups in our nation.
Only a handful of politicians attended the event in Parliament House, revealing a lack of appetite for women’s rights or a desire to uphold truth and facts in legislation.
If the law and the government cannot even define the word ‘woman’ how can they possibly protect women?
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