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Professor Dianna Kenny to launch a new book on gender ideology
Binary Ambassador Professor Dianna Kenny is set to release her new book early in 2025. Gender Ideology, Social Contagion, and the Making of a Transgender Generation focuses on the global crisis of gender confusion in adolescents and children.
Prof Kenny is a specialist in child and adolescent mental health, early trauma, child sexual abuse and gender dysphoria.
She is one of a very small number of practitioners who has refused to go down affirmation pathways, instead, she focuses on underlying issues that have contributed to gender incongruence in young people.
This unique book on the global child and adolescent transgender crisis highlights the fallacies of gender ideology and explains why social contagion is a major factor in the upsurge of young people wishing to transition. It underscores for the first time how social contagion also influences social institutions to engage in bad medicine, bad therapy, and bad education. The book highlights the many perils of medicalized gender treatments that can have lifelong consequences. The author calls for an informed government response and a public health campaign to curtail the medical madness of “gender affirming care.” This book has international appeal and will be an invaluable resource for paediatricians, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, general practitioners, psychologists, sociologists, legislators, politicians, educators, and parents.
Her compassionate and informed experience has been enormously beneficial to countless Australian families devasted by gender ideology. She has also contributed two chapters to our book Devastated: How gender ideology is tearing Australian families apart.
At the launch of our book in Parliament House in Canberra, Prof. Kenny explained that three groups of young people are susceptible to presenting with gender dysphoria (ROGD) and wish to transition:
- Damaged attachment relationships, unresolved loss/trauma, adverse events of childhood, and psychological/psychiatric morbidity.
- Cognitive immaturity, learning difficulties, social deficits, ASD, ADHD, high suggestibility.
- Children with no history of trauma, who have intact families, and secure attachments, but who are searching for peer homophily, and other forms of connectedness, and who are struggling with the separation/individuation process of adolescence. Many of the young people in this group are gay. They struggle with this awakening to their sexual orientation and leap into gender transition to avoid the discomfort of coming to terms with their sexuality
She stated emphatically, "None are served by medical or surgical transition.”
Professor Kenny has repeatedly called for a government enquiry into harmful gender practices.
The practical help and support she offers to families enduring the horror of gender ideology is greatly valued by many in Australia and around the world.
She has graciously shared her research with us and the slides, including graphs, can be viewed below:
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