NSW Labor politician flags grave concerns over self-identification laws

The Honourable Greg Donnelly MLC recently made an Adjournment Speech to the NSW Upper House in Parliament on the proposed Birth Certificates – Sex Self-ID Laws. The Labor MLC has campaigned long and hard for women’s sex-based rights and child protection in NSW despite his own party’s atrocious standing on gender ideology.

Mr Donnelly clearly lays out the genuine concerns with allowing males to self-identify as female and implores NSW residents to contact their MPs and MLCs. It is essential we act now to protect women and children in the face of the push by Alex Greenwich and members of the Greens and Labor who are intent on protecting trans identified people at the expense of women and children.

Read this section of his speech and please add your own thoughts and concerns to send to all NSW members of parliament. 

Every Schedule in the Equality Bill is important in its own way, but Schedule 2 is particularly significant. Its direct impact on women and girls across NSW now and for generations to come would be immediate and profound. 

A person with a male sex descriptor on their birth certificate would, with a statutory declaration stating that they “identify” as female, and a supporting statement from an adult who has known them for at least 12 months, be able to alter it to female. And to be clear, not just alter their birth certificate sex descriptor to state that they identify as female but that they are female for all purposes of the law. Indeed, if they were challenged about their assertion, they could produce a birth certificate that states that they are female.  

What obviously follows is self-evident and of serious concern, particularly for women and girls. Males who have altered their sex descriptor to female will not just be empowered, but legally entitled to enter and remain in female only public spaces including toilets, restrooms, showers, change rooms, spas, gyms, etc. Women have fought long and hard for many, many years for respect, safety, security and privacy. 

These are matters of fundamental rights for women and girls, not just preferences. Women and girls must retain the absolute right to these women-only spaces, free from the attention, comments and behaviour of males asserting that they are female. 

Mr President, It would be remiss of me to fail to mention what would be the significant negative impact of sex self-ID laws on women’s sport – both individual and team. Although, further progress and improvements to women’s sports still needs to be made, much has been achieved over the last 20 or so years. What is appalling to see, and this is already occurring now to some extent without any change to the law, are males asserting that they are females muscling in on women only sports, demanding that they be allowed to participate in the competition. And what are the consequences for women – serious and potentially life threatening injuries, loss of sporting career opportunities, denial of awards and prize money, deprivation of sponsorship support, just to name a few.