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No public money for trans treatments in Texas
The world is waking up to the madness of gender ideology.
It aims to stop minors accessing damaging treatments and will not allow trans adults to access the public purse for their drugs or surgeries to appropriate stereotypes of the opposite sex.
The bill, S.B. 1029, which was introduced on Feb. 17 by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall, would ban "public funding for gender modifications and treatments," bar some health plans from providing "coverage for a gender modification procedure," and increase legal liability through malpractice suits for medical professionals or health care providers that offer gender-affirming care.
The bill lists as gender-affirming procedures any surgeries performed on a patient's genitals, mastectomies, and prescriptions of puberty blockers or hormones "for the purpose of transitioning a patient's biological sex ... or affirming the patient's perception of the patient's sex."
Trans activists are outraged.
"This bill would have a chilling effect, halting all best practice medical care for all trans people in this state, regardless of age," Christopher Hamilton, CEO of Texas Health Action, a nonprofit that works to provide health services to the LGBTQIA+ community, told CBS News. "If this bill passes, insurers will no longer cover gender-affirming care, malpractice insurers will not provide malpractice insurance to providers, and physicians will not assume a personal financial lifetime liability for providing gender affirming care, affecting nearly 100,000 trans people in the state."
S.B. 1029, like previous bills dealing with transitioning treatments in Texas, will likely face legal challenges. There is a great deal of debate over best practices for gender dysphoria, especially regarding children.
All evidence points to ‘watchful waiting’ as the best approach, not the enforced ‘affirmation-only’ pathway that leaves children infertile and without sexual function as adults.
Kirralie Smith, spokeswoman for Binary, said debate was necessary.
“Trans activists don’t want a rigorous or thorough debate, they fear having their ideology challenged because they know that the affirmation-only pathway carries great risk of harm to children,” she said.
“They evade, cancel and threaten opponents but many are seeing through the charade and taking child safeguarding more seriously.
“Bills like this one force a closer analysis of pathways that can ultimately lead to better practice for gender confused children and adults.”
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