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Male criminal referred to as female in gruesome WA murder case
The mental gymnastics required to read this report by the ABC is utterly astounding.
A woman accused of digging her housemate's grave after she was allegedly murdered in a local park has been granted bail from Hakea Prison.
Jesse Desmond Jones, a transgender woman who was being held in a male-only prison in Western Australia since being charged in 2022, is accused of being an accessory to the alleged murder of Perth mother-of-six Nardia Louise Spice.
A man, not a woman, allegedly dug the grave. A man, not a woman, is being held in a male-only prison. A man, not a woman, should be recorded in the statistics for participation in a violent crime, not a woman. Read on.
Ms Spice's body was found in bushland in Jarrahdale, in Perth's south-east, in October 2022.
Police allege Ms Spice was lured to a dog park with the promise of sex work by three other people, before being bashed to death.
Her body was buried in bushland about 25km away, near Ronan Road.
Zachariah Dean Brough pleaded guilty to murder earlier this year, while his girlfriend Eve Marsh and the other co-accused, Ziggy Morgan Vanags, have pleaded not guilty to the same charge.
Ms Jones's lawyer told an earlier court appearance she had given her friend, Ms Spice, a lift to the park and was waiting in her car so she could drive her home afterwards, but then fell asleep.
She then drove to another location and only became aware of the alleged murder after seeing her friend's body being taken out of the boot and then carried into bushland.
He also said she claimed she was threatened that if she didn't help the co-accused take care of the body she'd "get the same".
Ms Jones is male. ‘He’, not ‘she’. Yet the ABC wants us to read this article and believe he is female.
This is the utterly bizarre, cruel and deceptive world we now live in.
Justice Bromwich, a Federal Court judge in Australia recently sealed the deal by handing down a decision in the Tickle v Giggle case that wrongly claims people can change their sex. He ruled that males can somehow ‘become’ female and be recognised as such in law.
Adding to the insanity there is no legal definition of female or male so none of this makes any sense. How can you legally identify as a woman if the word woman doesn’t have a legal definition?
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