Kirralie Smith faces court for a 7th time

I am facing my seventh appearance in a court on Friday October 18, 2024. 

Earlier this year an application for an apprehension of violence order (AVO) against me was denied after a full day hearing.

A male soccer player, who competes in a women’s competition, made the application after I reshared a photo posted on a public Facebook page in the public domain. I used the photo as an example of what is happening in NSW female soccer competitions. I did not name the player or address any communications toward him. I have never even met him in person. 

I have only ever advocated for women and challenged the woeful policy of Football Australia and Football NSW that allow males to compete in female soccer competitions. 

On Friday this male soccer player will appeal the application for the apprehension of violence that was denied in January. He wants an AVO against me claiming my actions are violent.

It is not violence to repost images from the public domain.

It is not violence to advocate for women’s sex-based rights or sport.

It is not violence to oppose bad policy that creates an unfair and unsafe playing field for women.

It is not violence to state that no male has ever become a woman.

It is not violence to state no male should ever compete in women’s sporting competitions.

It is beyond comprehension this is even being considered by the courts, yet here we are.

It is 2024 and women have little-to-no rights to defend their sex-based rights, sports, services or spaces.

The NSW Attorney General is intervening in the case to make constitutional submissions.