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Fifteen trans propaganda books to avoid
Buzzfeed has released a helpful guide of books to avoid giving to the young people in your life. The list includes books that encourage children to change their pronouns, deny science and reject biological reality.
Can't Take That Away by Steven Salvatore, follows a character named Carey Parker, who is a newly-out genderfluid teen who dreams of being a diva like their hero, Mariah Carey. The description of the book says he denies biological reality to “feel comfortable in their own skin.”
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee, is a book about a trans boy who makes up fake love stories for a blog she writes. To try and prove the trans love stories are real the character creates a fake love story. The synopsis confirms that the trans character lies to promote trans ideology. “After having posted a bit of an exaggerated meet-cute between himself and a boy he just met named Drew, the two make arrangements to fake-date to save the blog.”
In The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons, the lead character lies about being female to join the soccer team and convince her mates she is really a he.
Other books delve into fantasy, dark humour and horror.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said parents need to beware of what their children are reading.
“Many of these books act as propaganda for trans ideology,” she said.
“They portray caring parents as transphobic and encourage children to deny the reality of who they are to embrace a deception.
“These books are all in the realm of fantasy and fiction, they deny science and biological reality and can lead to harm as they encourage young people to do the same.”
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