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Females on cross sex hormones are experiencing early menopause
Parents of gender incongruent children, along with gender confused adults, should all read and be informed about the horrifying consequences of embarking on puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and genital surgery.
The results are very disturbing and should act as a red flag and encouragement to pursue a less destructive and invasive pathway.
Research published in the International Urogynecology Journal reveals irreversible harm that no one should have to endure.
Transgender men are suffering from “postmenopausal” problems like incontinence in their 20s because of taking testosterone, a study has revealed.
Experts analysed 68 transgender men who were taking the cross-sex hormone to change their identity from female to male and found that 95 per cent had developed pelvic floor dysfunction.
The participants, who were as young as 18 and had an average age of 28, had bladder and bowel symptoms that medics would expect to see in a woman after the menopause.
Experts said the impact of the sex-changing drugs on bodily functions are under-researched and under-reported, with people “not being informed of the risks at gender clinics”.
Around 87 per cent of the participants had urinary symptoms such as incontinence, frequent toilet visits and bed-wetting, while 74 per cent had bowel issues including constipation or being unable to hold stools or wind in. Some 53 per cent suffered from sexual dysfunction.
The researchers said the rate of urinary incontinence, where urine unintentionally leaks, was around three times higher in transgender men than women, affecting around one in four compared to eight per cent of the general female population.
Other symptoms included other bladder and bowel complications as well as almost half reported they had pain during intercourse and were unable to orgasm.
Elaine Miller, a pelvic health physiotherapist said she had worked with around 20 detransitioners who sought help for pelvic floor issues.
“Wetting yourself is something that just is not socially acceptable, and it stops people from exercising, it stops them from having intimate relationships, it stops them from travelling, it has work impacts,” she said.
“The impact a bit of leaking has on these young people’s lives is huge. It really needs to be properly discussed within gender clinics because I would expect that almost 100 per cent of female people that take cross-sex hormones will end up with these problems,” she added, noting that the study was “robust” and probably underplayed the issue.
“It’s really sad when we hear people say, ‘nobody ever told me this’, and they should have been informed of the risks in gender clinics.”
Female bodies are not designed to take high levels of testosterone, regardless of how she ‘identifies.’
Taking testosterone may accelerate the menopausal process because it stops the ovaries from functioning and reduces the amount of oestrogen the body produces.
Testosterone is also known to affect muscle mass and hair loss, and has been linked to blood clots and gallstones, but there has been little research into pelvic floor issues and incontinence.
It is cruel to lie to and deceive gender incongruent women into believing that if they take drugs or have surgery they can be a man. No one can change their sex.
Taking drugs to imitate opposite sex characteristics is detrimental and causes more psychological issues the already confused person has to deal with.
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