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Details emerge on NSW’s ban on so-called LGBT conversion practices
The NSW departments of Communities and Justice, and Health have issued a consultation paper about a plan to ban LGBTQ+ “conversion practices” to a select number of stakeholders.
The document lays out the proposed new laws that Independent MP Alex Greenwich is introducing into NSW with the support of the state Labor government.
The paper conflates sex and gender from the get-go. Sexual orientation and sexual identities are lumped together as though they are the same thing. They are not. Sexual orientation relies on biology; sexual identity rejects biology. LGB is not the same as TQ+.
The paper appeals to the regressive, oppressive and dangerous laws that have been implemented in Victoria, Queensland, the ACT, New Zealand, Canada and Malta as if they are a good thing.
Sexual orientation requires a completely different approach to sexual identities. In the case of identities, and attempting to change identity from a person’s reality, their natal sex, it is actually a type of attempted ‘conversion’ they must undergo. In appropriating stereotypes of the opposite sex, people employ costumes, drug dependency and even surgery to convert from one sex to an imitation of the other.
Many LGB advocates even claim that such practices are designed to “trans the gay away.” Meaning that transgender treatments are used on feminine, gay males to make them appear “female” and therefore “straight” and vice versa for women.
The purpose of the document is to seek opinions from stakeholders who support the move, but not from opponents of the proposed laws.
1.1. The NSW Government has committed to:
1.1.1. banning LGBTQ+ conversion practices in NSW, and
1.1.2. establishing a joint working group of the Department of Communities and Justice and NSW Health to develop legislation, in consultation with survivors and other stakeholders.
1.2. This paper has been developed by the joint working group to seek preliminary stakeholder feedback to inform the drafting of the legislation. This is the first stage of the consultation process in line with the Government’s commitment to consult with survivors and other stakeholders.
The department is only seeking selective advice and it is not open to the public:
Please send all written responses to [email protected] by close of business 25 August 2023. As this is a targeted consultation, submissions will not be made public.
Greenwich, backed by Chris Minns and his government, wants to criminalise behaviour and attitudes that uphold reality over fantasy and put children’s lives at risk.
The new laws, if adopted, will criminalise attempts by health practitioners, parents, family members, religious leaders, counsellors or the public from seeking to help a person accept their biological reality.
It could lead to many more examples like Dr Jillian Spencer who was stood down from her senior psychiatrist position for questioning the use of puberty blockers on children. In Queensland, a practitioner can be branded ‘transphobic’ and investigated if they raise concerns about transgender medicalised pathways.
These new laws make a way for self-identification that will result in more males in female only spaces, services and sport. It will be illegal to reject a man’s assertion he is now somehow magically a woman because he dons a costume, becomes drug dependent, has surgery or simply, because he says so.
It will give medical practitioners easy access to drugs and surgery that cause irreversible harm to children confused about their identity, without a thorough investigation and treatment of underlying issues such as autism, trauma, depression or eating disorders.
Parents who seek to take their children out of state for treatment to address such issues instead of affirming their desired identity may also face criminal charges.
This paper proposes an offence to cover removal of a person from NSW for the purposes of a conversion practice. The conduct being criminalised here is not the fact that a conversion practice has been engaged in, but rather that a person has sought to circumvent the criminal law by taking or arranging for a person to be taken to a jurisdiction where such practices are not a crime.
What are these supposed hideous conversion practices? Again, a conflation of truly horrible practices such as electric shock therapy which is no longer used, through to talking or praying with someone about embracing reality.
Globally, conversion practices include:
8.2.1. Behaviour and ‘talking therapies’ which involve counselling and speech therapy. They may include telling a person continually their sexual orientation or gender identity is immoral and objectionable, or framing negative life experiences (e.g. poor relationship with parents) and current problems (e.g. anxiety, depression) as both a cause and consequence of LGBTQ+ identity.
Behavioural ‘training’ to act in conventional gender roles and expressions has also been observed as part of these practices.
8.2.2. Religious based practices, which may involve some or all of the practices used in secular settings with a specific religious lens. Religious specific practices have also been observed, such as formal and informal prayer-based practices including conferences and community prayer, and spiritual deliverance practices or exorcisms.
These laws, if adopted, will present a grave danger to vulnerable young people in NSW.
A growing number of vocal detransitioners are warning that children cannot understand or consent to the radical “affirmation” therapies being imposed on them. Confused children need support and therapy, not drugs and lies about being able to change their sex.
Males are already invading women’s spaces, sports and services, with several women, including myself, being heavily penalised for opposing gender identity ideology. These new laws will enshrine such penalties and create a myriad of unsafe, unfair and undignified situations for females in NSW.
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