Chris Minns set to erase women’s sex-based rights

NSW Premier Chris Minns is the next political leader set to erase women’s sex-based rights.

He has given his support to a scaled back Alex Greenwich bill that will allow self-identification for males to claim they are female.

Trans-identified people will be permitted to change their birth certificates despite the fact no-one has ever changed their sex.

Rewriting history and changing biological facts on official identity documents mean women will no longer have legal rights in NSW regarding women-only spaces, services or sport.

Minns admitted surgical procedures are “life-changing” and “irreversible”, but failed to recognise the incongruence this presents to children who are being led down these pathways.

“I don’t know why we’d be ... demanding of people that they have irreversible life-changing surgery in order to change a government document in relation to their gender, particularly when you consider that they can go to the passport office and change it immediately,” Minns said.

This bill presents a great risk to women with self-identification allowing males into female prisons, rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters, women’s sport, and other services.

The Liberals have no clear or united position on the fate of women’s rights but some crossbenchers in the Upper House will oppose the bill such as Libertarian John Ruddick and Independent Mark Latham.