Children’s book so graphic it can’t be shown at a council meeting or on Sky News

South Australian Mother of three Angela Rojas has addressed her local council regarding the availability of sexualised content available to children in public libraries. 

The books are so graphic that she was unable to display the images during the meeting as it was being live streamed. 

Think about that for a moment. 

The images are too graphic for the City of Playford to livestream, but not too graphic to be displayed in the children’s section of public libraries!

Sky News also refused to show the images from Let’s Talk About It by Erica Moen and Matthew Nolan because it is so explicit. 

Florida has categorised this book as pornographic, but here in Australia it is freely available to young people at rate-payers’ expense.

Liberal Senator Alex Antic is calling for an overhaul of publishing guidelines to protect children from explicit sexual content. 

Labor MP, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland, has indicated that the government will consider updating the guidelines as part of a reform already announced.

It is inspiring to watch Angela Rojas raise the issue at her local council (at the 21:45-29:55 mark).

You can consider doing the same in your local area. 

Freely available pornographic content is akin to grooming children. 

It is an attempt to normalise sex for children and includes the promotion of gender ideology. 

Children should not be exposed to such graphic content. 

The push for children to be exposed to, and consent to sexual orientations and identities is harmful and damaging. 

It is infuriating very few politicians have an appetite to protect our young ones so we must stand up, speak out and insist our objections are heard. 

There are several actions you can take:

Check out your local library and borrow any inappropriate books in the children’s section. Take photos/video and share with your networks to let people know this is happening. 

Contact your local members of parliament by phone or send an email with the evidence. 

Contact Michelle Rowland – Communications Minister

Contact education ministers in your state.

Attend council meetings like Angela did to raise your concerns.

For inspiration you can see Ms Rojas’ report here and the book here, but be warned, the content is extremely graphic.