Australian judge allows a child to take cross-sex hormones

This pathway results in catastrophic harm, but the judge disregards the evidence.

It is a complete misconception that the Australian judicial system relies on proven and factual evidence when making decisions. 

Increasingly, judges are making statements that rely on political ideologies rather than facts.

Most Australian courts and judges promote the lie that a person can change their sex via “transitioning.” No human has ever changed their sex. 

The most they can hope for is to appropriate opposite-sex stereotypes via costumes, drug taking or surgical procedures. 

A person can mimic the opposite sex stereotypes, they cannot become the opposite sex.

Bad laws, enabled by Julia Gillard’s government in 2013, mean a person can get a piece of paper declaring they have changed sex. They have not. It is simply a lie written on a piece of paper.

These bad laws, based on lies, are causing untold harm to minors. 

Family Court judge Justice Peter Tree has advocated for teenagers to access experimental medical interventions since at least 2017. 

He claimed then that not allowing teenagers access to these harmful and unproven drugs was “inhumane.” 

This is despite the fact such drugs render children impotent and sterile and cause a myriad of other health problems such as bone and brain development issues. 

How is it “inhumane” to safeguard children from such dreadful experimental drugs?

Now the same judge has granted permission for another child to access destructive cross-sex hormones, despite conceding there are horrific risks.

Judge Peter Tree, in delivering judgment in the highly contentious legal case, afforded the teenager – known pseudonymously as Ash – the “dignity of risk” to take testosterone and continue transitioning from female to male.

In concluding his decision, Justice Tree said he expected Australian courts in the future to see “regret” cases in relation to cross-sex hormone administration to children. “Nonetheless, I have earnestly tried to ascertain what is best for Ash,” he said.

In this case, one parent desperately wanted to save their daughter from the dreadful harm these drugs cause. The other parent was fighting to deceive their daughter into believing that she can transform into a male by taking some drugs. 

This is a deception, this poor child can never be male despite superficial attempts to become one and it will not cure her deeper wrestlings.

Justice Tree gave “great weight” to the Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines, which were developed by the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and endorse a gender-affirming model of care.

However, he said the UK Cass Review – a landmark report that recommended limitations on medication for gender-dysphoric children – may have been driven by an “overt political imperative” and he gave it “little weight” in reaching his decision.

The judge claims the extensive 400-page report conducted over several years was perhaps politically tainted but can offer no evidence what-so-ever that his views are not. 

He acknowledged some risks yet made a way for the child to undergo a treatment known to cause irreversible and significant harm, while not being proven to rectify the gender dysphoria in the first place.

In handing down his judgment, Justice Tree conceded there was a “real risk” the testosterone treatment “may not achieve all that Ash wants it to” and that “he may still be unhappy with having a body … which he would prefer were different”.

“He may therefore still be to some degree dysphoric,” the judgment reads.

“But overall, the evidence persuades me that there will be some masculinisation, and thus some alleviation of his dysphoria if testosterone were to be administered to Ash, although when, for how long, and to what extent, remains unknown.”

Justice Tree outlined various considerations in favour of Ash accessing treatment, including that he had consistently lived as a male, been exposed to “serious transphobic bullying”, and has worn a chest binder and layered clothing “so as to conceal the female aspects of his appearance”.

He also said Ash had lived “stealth” as a male, meaning he had not disclosed to his classmates that he is biologically female. “(This) has exacted an emotional, social and educational cost on him, including recently having returned to distance education,” the judgment reads.

However, Justice Tree also acknowledged considerations against the treatment, including that the hormones “may not alleviate his dysphoria, either materially or even at all”, and that Ash’s cognitive development is ongoing, meaning he may not understand “all the risks”.

He paid consideration to concerns the treatment may not alleviate Ash’s gender dysphoria, that it may impair his fertility, and that irreversible changes may start about three months after testosterone commences.

Justice Tree found that while the possible risks associated with taking testosterone, including infertility or blood disorders, are “real”, they are “not unacceptable”.

WOW! No child can consent to such risks and lifelong consequences. 

It is abominable that a judge thinks he can make that decision for a child. 

The judge indicated that surrogacy (essentially the buying and selling of children) could be a good option for ‘Ash’ if she later wishes to have children and that having a biological child is “irrelevant “ to many people nowadays.

“Even if he does become incapable of conceiving a child, if it transpires he forms a relationship with a natal female who is not transgender, or if is, is not infertile, having children is not precluded, although they may not have a genetic connection with Ash,” he wrote.

“It is likely that most Australians would now think the lack of direct genetic connection between a child and their parent is irrelevant. Likewise there remains the prospect of adoption and surrogacy.”

Around the world countries are pausing or banning such treatments due to the extreme risks of taking cross-sex hormones. The judge and Australian healthcare sector rely on outdated and unproven treatments putting thousands of children on a pathway to destruction, making them medical patients for life.

It is too late to reverse this terrible situation for many, but if we act now, we can reverse this catastrophically harmful trend affecting our youth, the courts, and the political landscape.