Activists lie to gain access to ‘Why Can’t Women Speak About Sex’ event

[Language warning - this blog contains offensive language]

Four noisy protestors attempted to disrupt the “Why Can’t Women Talk About Sex” event at NSW Parliament House last week.

They failed. All they did was prove our point. They are not interested in listening or engaging in respectful debate. They only lasted a couple of minutes at best, and hilariously a trans-identified person escorted them out of the venue, a trans-identified person who was there to listen and support the women speaking.

Here is the correspondence we had with one of the young men.

He began by lying in an email stating: 

“My sister and I have been following the events and we are proud of the brave women going into parliament to speak out. We wish to attend as to show solidarity to you all.

Are there any reservations available for us to join?”

After the event Anthony sent this (the obscenities have been edited): 

“Hello again!

Thank you for letting my sister and I in, we had a wonderful couple of minutes until we started screaming because this event was absolutely disgusting and revolting, I thought it was about women's rights but it's clear it's not about letting women speak.

It was about attacking women who are trying to live their most authentic life, but a shame this event was about talking over them.

Honestly the group out front were much more friendly, spoke up for us properly.

Have the day you all deserve s--tc--nts :)

We're here, we're queer, we're fabulous, don't f--k with us!”

This is the delightful and powerful response by “women” to his rant:

“Dear young women,

Thank you for attending our event yesterday.

It’s a pity you didn't stay to hear the speakers, you might have learned something, even if you did continue to disagree with our views.

If you ever want to attend any of our events again, the invitation is open. We welcome true diversity - it may surprise you but we had people from all political parties, gay, lesbian and straight, atheists and religious people, trans-identified, different marital status and familial arrangements, stay-at-home-mums, retirees, academics, doctors, politicians, workers, lawyers, students, business people.

As it ended up being standing room only (and quite crowded at that) it was fortunate we had your seats to offer to others who were keen to be there. 

We had a fabulous day, wonderful conservation, a beautiful dinner, made many new friends and heard many different viewpoints. Lots of support from around the world and on social media. 

We appreciated your attendance, it generated positive media coverage for us, your performance proved our point precisely.

Ironically, you were removed from the room by someone who identifies as trans. It may surprise you, that within the trans community people have a diversity of political, socio-economic and religious views, but of course, considering the world through thought-terminating cliches and slogans isn't conducive to robust critical thinking. It must be exhausting being part of a movement that punishes dissenting views, denounces those for “wrong think”, requires constant self-censorship and evermore elaborate demonstrations of allegiance.

Again, if you would ever like to attend and join us (and again not everyone agrees on everything all the time - but we actually enjoy the debate even when we disagree and we still have respect for each other - astonishing I know)....or keep standing out on the cold pavement waving damp cardboard screeching insults and manufacturing your victimhood - it doesn't really seem fabulous, but its [sic] your choice. 

We're not really sure how screaming slogans and profanity at a room full of people before being escorted out by a person who is the very type of person you claim to represent (trans) is fabulous, have you redefined "fabulous" along with "woman"?

Yesterday was such a success we hope to roll it out around the country. Up to you if you stand outside or come and join us in the tent where it is warm and inviting and interesting. You would be welcome. 

