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Victorian government encourages children in the art of appropriation
The Victorian State government is sponsoring a session for primary school aged transgender, gender diverse and non-binary young people. It is aimed at children aged six to 11-years-old.
The facebook post states:
Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health’s WayOut program is pleased to hold a second Planet GAGA session this month for your primary school aged transgender, gender diverse and non-binary young people.
When: Saturday 20 November 10am – 12pm
Where: Bug-a-lugs Playcentre, 3 Hoyle Ct, Kyneton
This is a free event.
A parent/carer is encouraged to stay for Planet GAGA. WayOut is just waiting to hear back from the venue as to their requirements re: vaccination status of accompanying adults.
Please RSVP to Rhani and Mez at WayOut by Tuesday 16 November on 5421 1666 / [email protected]
The accompanying flyer advertises “gender affirming games” at the Bug-a-lugs indoor play centre.
Gender affirmation is an Orwellian expression that means exactly the opposite of what it proclaims. Gender affirmation is about denying biological sex and reinforcing a fantasy that can only be attained via appropriation.
Gender affirmation is a trendy expression to encourage people to wear costumes, engage in a daily pill popping/drug-taking regime, and can eventually lead to the surgical mutilation of perfectly healthy body parts.
It’s all about denying scientific reality and pretending to be something you never can be. It is not affirmation, but rather denial and rejection of self.
This activity is aimed at 6-11yr olds who regularly engage in imaginative play, crucial to their development. The organisations funding this event, including the Victorian government, are attempting to assert that imagination, feelings and appropriation equal reality.
The Victorian government has even passed laws to penalise anyone who objects to this style of appropriation. It is inexcusable to subject children to such lies and deception.
Leave our kids alone!
Opinion by Kirralie Smith, Binary spokeswoman
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