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UK police are acting as thought police
It is now certain that police in the UK are acting as thought police.
The Telegraph reports, “Mrs Farrow is being investigated for a possible hate crime under the malicious communication act, an offence that carries a maximum two-year prison sentence.”
Farrow, a 44 year old Catholic journalist, has been notified that she must attend a taped interview with police over a tweet which allegedly misgendered someone.
"I don’t even remember said tweets. This was in September! But I really not got give a flying toss. I have done nothing wrong, nothing illegal and will happily do jail time for my right to say that people cannot change sex," she wrote.
Farrow has been warned she could be arrested if she refuses to attend the police interview.
She is refusing to back down and says she has done nothing wrong.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, was horrified by the situation. “This journalist has used factual language to describe biological reality. Yet here she is faced with the prospect of being charged for supposedly hurting someone’s feelings. It is preposterous.”
Smith agreed with Farrow’s stance. “She should not be bullied, harassed or intimidated for stating facts. Feelings cannot be measured. There is always someone who can claim offense in any given situation. To charge someone for a thought crime is evidence of a totalitarian regime, not a western democracy.”
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