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Stonewall’s overreach comes back to bite them
June is Pride month and the fracture between the LGB’s and T’s is showing now more than ever.
Stonewall, the UK’s most well known activist group in this space, is facing criticism – even from its founders – for elevating trans demands over and above women’s sex-based rights.
A founding member has accused it of taking an “extremist stance”, a report accused it of giving incorrect advice on equality law and a cabinet minister was reported to be pushing for all government departments to withdraw from its Diversity Champions programme, which the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) quit last month.
Each controversy has been linked – directly or indirectly – to its position on trans rights, which critics believe is over-aggressive and seeks to shut down debate but which the charity and its defenders believe is putting it on the right side of history.
Stonewall’s chief executive, Nancy Kelley, claims that the organisation is focusing on making “changes that make trans lives easier”, but not necessarily trying to convince others of their position.
Matthew Parris, a founding member, disagreed and penned an article arguing, “the charity had been ‘cornered into an extremist stance’ on the subject of trans rights”.
UK Equalities Minister Liz Truss wants all government departments to remove themselves from Stonewall programs.
Professor Kathleen Stock, from the University of Sussex, said Stonewall had “encouraged a definition of transphobia that was far too wide”. As a gay woman, she said their stance was complete overreach “into pedagogy, into research, into language control and hate crime legislation”.
“Through its Diversity Champions scheme it’s disseminated this very widespread idea that an attack on the theory – or an attack on the particular interpretation – of identity is an attack on trans people. And that has really made the whole discourse incredibly toxic, given its enormous reach within national institutions,” she said.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said the criticism was warranted.
“Transgenderism is an ideology that should not be above critical debate,” she said.
“It denies scientific reality and puts itself at odds with women’s sex-based rights.
“Too often the campaigns are aimed at children, while the effects of experimental treatments have not been properly studied.
“Stonewall and other activist organisations need to take heed of the criticisms and engage, instead of stooping to cancel culture or censorship to silence opposition.”
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