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Sacked for stating ‘male people are not women’!
A UK woman has been fired for stating “male people are not women.”
This is an indication of things to come if Labor wins government on 18th May.
The Times has reported that Maya Forster was sacked because, according to her employer, she used “offensive and exclusionary” language in a tweet.
Forster “is believed to be the first person in Britain to lose her job for saying that transgender women are not women.”
“On her personal Twitter account, Forster wrote that the ‘truth’ was ‘that men cannot change into women’. She said that Karen White, a male-bodied trans rapist, was a “man”.
Forster is fighting back and has “started tribunal proceedings against her former employer.” She hopes to prove being a woman is defined by more than just feelings.
Kirralie Smith, Binary spokeswoman finds the situation almost beyond comprehension.
“Forster simply stated biological, scientific fact regarding men and women. Now she has lost her job and has been accused of hate speech. This is outrageous.”
Smith issued a warning to Australian voters, “This is the exact situation many employees will find themselves in if the Greens/Labor alliance wins government. Their radical gender policies provide little to no protection for women and their determination to stamp out what they label ‘hate-speech’ is very alarming.”
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