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Queensland high school promotes political ideology
A Queensland high school has jumped on the gender fluid bandwagon, promoting ideological propaganda to their students, staff and parents. Indooroopilly State High School is a ‘non-uniform’ school, so it is hard to see how they were restricted in the first place.
In a message to parents, acting senior secondary principal Timothy Barraud said following consultations with students, the school’s new dress standard policy was now “enhanced by gender neutral language”.
He also went on to say the new code was “intentionally inclusive in its wording to highlight and celebrate our community’s diversity”.
“A few of the key changes to the policy to reflect gender neutral language include: shirts, tops, jumpers and dresses must always cover the front, back and sides of the student, not restricting the course of normal movement throughout the day,” he said.
“As part of this review it was clear from students for the need to ensure that our artistic impressions of the dress standard did not reference gender and remained non-binary in nature.”
The move seems to be far more about promoting a gender fluid political ideology than the clothing the students wear.
“Indooroopilly State High School is a non-uniform school with a student dress standard approved by their P&C,” a department spokeswoman said.
“The student dress code was developed in consultation with students, school staff, parents and the P&C.”
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said schools should stick to education, not indoctrination.
“No-one is saying what was wrong with the code in the first place,” she said.
“The ‘gendered’ language could only have been referring to boys or girls, males or females – and we know all students are either one or the other.
“The students were already free to wear non-uniform clothing so it seems like a political exercise to promote an agenda.”
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