Protecting women’s sex-based rights

Federal Senator for Tasmania, Claire Chandler, has continued to champion women’s sex-based rights within her party. On Saturday she announced that a motion had passed to protect women from the extremist trans agenda.

“This morning, the Liberal Party’s Federal Council passed a motion supporting female-specific sports, facilities, and services, and condemning the abuse and threats against women who advocate on these matters.

“I am so proud of our Party for taking a strong stance on these issues, and I was honoured to speak in favour of the motion this morning.”

Senator Chandler has been consistent in her stance, running a petition on social media and speaking to the issue in Parliament. She published Saturday’s motion on her Facebook page:

Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, commended the Liberal Party Council for the statement.

“It is beyond comprehension that such a motion is even required,” she said.

“Unfortunately, extremist gender activists want to rob women of their hard-fought and won sex-based rights.

“Aggressive campaigns to elevate males who appropriate womanhood in sport, politics, business, education, shelters and prisons put women at risk of harm and discrimination.

“The Liberal Party Council have done the right thing in supporting this motion.”