Non-binary marriage certificates are now a thing

Queensland marriage certificates now have a non-binary gender option.

Queensland marriage certificates now have a “non-binary” gender option after the change was rolled out across the country.

On three required forms for marriages – the notice form, the marriage certificate, and no legal impediment form – the existing “X” option was replaced with the option “non-binary”.

Queensland Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman said the update came into effect on September 1.

The de-gendering of marriage has led to the de-gendering of as many aspects of society as possible. The warnings given during the same sex marriage campaign are now coming to pass.

Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman has previously pledged to introduce state legislation to reform birth certificate laws to benefit transgender Queenslanders, after years of lobbying by advocates.

Currently, trans Queenslanders must undergo expensive and invasive gender affirmation surgery before updating gender markers on birth certificates.

Queensland is yet to formally allow self-identification for transgender people but that is set to change.

Fentiman confirmed in a statement this week work is underway on reforming Queensland’s Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act.

She said a key stakeholder roundtable is scheduled for October 1.

Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said it puts women and children at risk of harm.

“Self-identification harms women and children,” she said.

“Males are able to freely self-identify for the purpose of participating in female sports, get access to women’s shelters and services, use women’s private spaces and even be housed in female prisons."

“There are few, if any safeguards, and we are seeing terrible consequences of self-identification around the world.

“Official documents must rely on facts, not feelings or fantasy for the sake of a safe and civil society.”