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Hijacking superheroes
Superheroes have been hijacked by LGBT extremists. Superman’s son is the latest victim. Woke and gay, he will tick all the boxes for radical activists.
The new Superman, the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, is concerned about the environment, does not shy away from politics and will soon begin a romantic relationship with a male friend.
That same-sex relationship is just one of the ways that Jonathan Kent, who goes by Jon, is proving to be a different Superman than his famous father. Since his new series, Superman: Son of Kal-El, began in July, Jon has combated wildfires caused by climate change, thwarted a high school shooting and protested the deportation of refugees in Metropolis.
“The idea of replacing Clark Kent with another straight, white savior felt like a missed opportunity,” Tom Taylor, who writes the series, said in an interview. He said that a “new Superman had to have new fights — real world problems — that he could stand up to as one of the most powerful people in the world.”
Comic heavyweights Marvel and DC have both ventured down the pathway of sexualising content to appeal to those captured by identity politics. They are in a race to out-do each other when it comes to promoting the political ideology associated with sexual identities and orientations.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said there is nothing heroic about virtue signalling.
“Soy-latte sipping hipsters prove once again they have the market covered when it comes to promoting diversity and other woke social issues.
“Virtue signaling does not make one a hero. A superhero who panders to worldly trends can hardly be called a superhero.
“Targeting and grooming children via comics to promote sexual identities and orientations is not superhero activity. Sexualised themes are for adults only, leave kids out of it!”
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