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Gender specialist alarmed by lack of research
Thomas Steensma of the Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria at Amsterdam UMC has called for more research into gender dysphoria. A lot more research. Stunned by the large increase in children seeking treatment around the world, Steensma and his colleagues are calling for more studies to be conducted.
“While the ratio was the same in 2013, now three times as many children who were born as girls register, compared to children who were born as boys.
The explosive increase in requests in transgender care simply requires a new investigation. Around 2010, about 150 to 200 transgender people were seen every year in the Amsterdam UMC. Now there are 775, with a two-year waiting list on top. The research into that small group of people from before 2013 may not apply to the large group that there is now. And here the help of other countries is also needed. “We conduct structural research in the Netherlands. But the rest of the world is blindly adopting our research. While every doctor or psychologist who engages in transgender care should feel the obligation to do a good before and after measurement.”
Steensma is concerned that treatments are experimental as too many health care professionals are not carrying out the appropriate research.
It is still unclear whether these administered hormones affect the fertility of boys and girls. "We just don't know," says Steensma. “Little research has yet been done on the treatment with puberty inhibitors and hormones in young people. That is why it is also seen as experimental. We are one of the few countries in the world that conducts ongoing research into this. In Great Britain, for example, a study has only now been published, for the first time in all these years, on a small group of transgender people. This makes it so difficult, almost all research comes from ourselves.”
Activists have successfully cancelled and threatened so many health care professionals that the research is practically non-existent.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said the experiments must stop until the data is in.
“Untold harm is being done to children because people are afraid to challenge these experiments being conducted on children. These researchers are on the front line and are alarmed by the lack of research. This should tell us everything we need to know.”
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