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Folau cops further harassment for speaking out about the transgender agenda
The media frenzy surrounding Israel Folau continues as the former rugby star speaks out about the transgender movement.
Media outlets are using loaded words such as 'targets’ and ‘attack on kids’ for even daring to address the issues.
In a sermon preached at his father’s church in Sydney, Falou referred to government interference in parenting and called on Christians to speak up regardless of the cost.
Falou spoke about an event he recently attended in Melbourne, where a person in parliament spoke about the gender fluidity legislation that was being debated:
You see in today’s youths and everything, they are allowing young kids in primary school to be able to have the permission to change their gender if they want by taking away the permission of their parents. Now they are trying to take control as a government to make those decisions for young kids who are basically 16 years old or younger, they don’t even know what they are doing.
Kirralie Smith, Binary spokeswoman was disappointed with the media’s targeting of Folau.
“The media is now encroaching on places of worship to mock and harass. They are sensationalising a theological position that has been preached and adhered to for thousands of years by countless faiths.”
“Now you’re not even safe to address these issues in your local church. The threat of losing your job, harassment by the press, and the ridicule of your theological position are all designed to silence the debate we must have as a society regarding radical gender ideology.”
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