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A major new international report confirms we are falling years behind the rest of the world in literacy and numeracy. Stop the indoctrination and focus on education.
A major new international report confirms we are falling years behind the rest of the world in literacy and numeracy.
But hey, we are world leaders when it comes to rainbow ideology so we're all good, right?
Our school system is failing students dismally when it comes to core subjects. But don't worry, kids are being taught far more important things such as you can pick your own gender every day, if you like according to how you feel.
Maths, pfft. Who needs it? Does it really matter that we can't even beat the average for the OECD countries?
Does it really matter that the Czech Republic, Estonia, China, Switzerland and Belgium are now beating us? Who needs maths? All kids need to know if they can visit the minus 18 website to learn about obscure sexual practices, how to keep secrets from your parents and hide your internet browsing sessions.
I mean, minus 18, It has a number in it? And maths is all about numbers, right? The report says the curriculum is too crowded.
Well, you've got safe schools teaching students how to touch themselves, genderbread people memorizing the 72 plus genders and correcting all those wrong pronouns. I mean, it takes time, doesn't it?
There's no time for maths when we have to keep adding made-up gender expressions.
And surely literacy programs must be dominated by policing those pronouns, Reading books about boys in dresses, and two mums and, six year olds enjoying oral sex and becoming transgender.
And forget the classics.
This is a brave new world. And who needs to focus on science? Biology is so outdated chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, reproductive systems. They're all irrelevant in light of feelings and history. Well, that's too boring. Schools don't have time to learn the lessons from the past. While we're focussed on 'wear it purple days' and rainbow parades and pride celebrations.
Is it really any surprise that our students are falling behind? And just a tip. It's not rocket science.
Let kids be kids and get back to basics.
Stop the indoctrination and focus on education.
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