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Drag Queen show for Victorian kids
Banyule Youth Services (for 12-25 year-olds) are hosting a pride party at the Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub in Victoria this coming Saturday.
🌈 are you ready for the pride party of the year? 🤩 Jets Events & Media presents 'Shout! It Out' - a live music, drag & queer marketspace event! Your MC Theresa Problem will take your from queens to queer bubblegum punk with headliners Cry Club, and in between you'll be able to grab some neat rainbow items from young Creatives for Hire and the legends at Gay Stuff Markets.
Performers include the following with images taken from their Facebook pages:
Amanda Blow Facebook
Facebook Amanda Blow: “You’ll float too… just like my tits 🎈”
Barr Bee Doll will also be performing for the children Barr Bee Doll | Facebook
Theresa Problem is MC for the night.
Banyule Youth Services are rate-payer funded via the council.
Drag Queens are hypersexualised adult entertainers that rely on out-dated, sexualised caricatures of women. Are they really appropriate for children?
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