Choose your own gender in the next UK census

The UK’s 2021 census will allow citizens to select the sex they feel like.

The Telegraph has reported: “It is feared the advice, which applies to both adults and children, could distort population data upon which the Government bases future policy.

“The move comes amid a cultural sea change among public bodies about how biological sex is recorded, even if the individual in question has not undergone physical changes. 

“The NHS, prisons and schools have all taken to steps towards allowing people to register as the gender with which they best identify.”

Public funding for health care could be negatively impacted according to Dr Juile Maxwell, a paediatrician for the NHS.

Almost every kind of illness behaves differently in men and women.

If the national statistics are skewed in this way so you don’t know how many biological men or women there are, and if you add on to that the fact people are already changing their sex on medical records, you lose any meaningful knowledge of how often health problems are happening in men and women.

And my biggest fear for children is they are not going to get appropriate health services allocated for their needs because of messing around with statistics.

Kirralie Smith, Binary spokeswoman said the proposal is very disturbing.

“The whole point of a census is to capture factual information to inform public policy. Facts ensure resources are adequately assigned and ensure certain groups are not disadvantaged. 

“Determining public policy according to feelings is irresponsible and potentially harmful. Health care will be negatively impacted because biology matters. Issues regarding change rooms, women’s services and safe spaces will also be put at risk.”