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Be engaged, get answers and act accordingly.
The 4th December will see council elections take place around NSW.
Councils own and operate many services for the local community such as libraries, sporting fields and swimming pools.
Now is your opportunity to ask the candidates what their policies are.
Ask them what they intend to do if elected.
Ask them what lengths are they prepared to go to, to protect women and children in council run change rooms and toilets.
Do they prefer to advocate for males who appropriate womanhood via costumes, daily drug use and the surgical removal of perfectly healthy body parts?
Or will the pledge to protect women and children in spaces and services designed for females only?
How do they intend to spend rate payers hard earned cash? Will they be supporting the extremist political ideology that feelings are superior to facts?
Will they support funding programs that deny science and reject reality? Or will the uphold biological reality and scientific evidence for sex-based rights, spaces and services?
Will they support Drag Queen Story Hours in public libraries that send a message to kids that mocking women via gawdy costumes and make-up is acceptable?
It is essential they are asked these questions. If they are putting their hands up to serve you, you deserve to know what their intentions are.
Let me know what feedback you get by commenting here or emailing [email protected].
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