You can email the PM directly right now to protect children!
Here’s the special tool that will help you send your own email DIRECT to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.
It’s your chance to demand that they protect children from irreversible damage – by calling for a Royal Commission into gender clinics.
You can use the pre-written message that’s here to start your email… or tell them in your own words why you’re concerned that:
- Children are at risk from experimental drugs, puberty blockers and irreversible surgery as they are rushed to ‘transition’ at gender clinics.
- Vulnerable children and adolescents are being used to push LGBTQI+ political ideology.
- The public, especially parents, need to be made aware of what’s happening.
So take action now by using the form below – it only takes a few minutes.
Things you need to know:
- The salutation at the start and your name at the end will both be inserted automatically. Please don’t add these to the message below (e.g. please do not address the email “Dear Anthony Albanese”).
- When you complete your name and address in the box below, your email will be directed to the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.
- You’ll see the email pre-populated with information which will help you kick-start your email.
- Be concise and respectful.
Thank you for standing up to protect children from harmful gender clinics!
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