December 15, 2021
‘The Genderbread Person’ hits the UK
The controversial “Genderbread Person” diagram is being ridiculed as “unscientific nonsense” in the UK as it is presented to some government departments.
The controversial “Genderbread Person” diagram is being ridiculed as “unscientific nonsense” in the UK as it is presented to some government departments.
The UK’s controversial Conversion Therapy (Prohibition) Bill is being met with some fierce opposition. The backlash comes as it was revealed doctors and teachers could be targeted in the new laws.
Angry parents are threatening to withdraw their daughters from UK Girl Guides after the organisation made a tweet in support of asexuality. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity.
A philosophy professor from the University of Sussex has been harassed out of the position she has held for the past 18 years. Kathleen Stock announced her resignation but didn’t blame the university.
A Birmingham man who appropriates womanhood, has bitten off the nose of a friend in a violent brawl.
In the UK, “Home Secretary Priti Patel has ordered ‘woke’ police forces to stop recording offences by trans women in female crime statistics.”
Cancel culture warriors are on the warpath, dragging out a recording from 2018 in an attempt to bring down a conservative British MP.
Last year, Keira Bell and an unnamed mother, won a case in the UK High Court, to stop children under 16 being given puberty blockers. That decision has now been overturned in the court of appeal.
Experimental gender transitioning treatment for children has been exposed by the British High Court. In a landmark case the three judges ruled that is highly doubtful children can make decisions regarding the life altering and often irreversible treatments.
A school in Brighton in the UK has decided to turn biology on its head and teach 8-year old’s that any gender can menstruate.
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