January 17, 2024
Lies have been legislated into law
News headlines like this from the UK demonstrate how ridiculous and dangerous gender identity ideology has become.
News headlines like this from the UK demonstrate how ridiculous and dangerous gender identity ideology has become.
As thousands of vulnerable children continue to be prescribed off-label drugs, questions have been raised about their long-term harm.
UK political parties are openly mocking womanhood and treating voters with contempt.
This guy plays soccer in a women’s competition in the UK. He has already broken one woman’s knee and now he is threatening to sue opponents who refuse to play against him.
The Endometriosis South Coast organisation in the UK has just announced a prostate haver as CEO of a charity dealing with an exclusively female condition.
A return to common sense, evidence-based reality and truth appears to still be a long way off.
A man appropriating female stereotypes is playing cricket against girls as young as 12 in the UK.
Transwomen are women – except for when they are not.
Adam Graham has been accused of being a violent male rapist in a UK court.
Amelia Strickler, a British shot put champion, has spoken out against World Athletics transgender policy and plans to allow biological men to compete against women.
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