Latest News from Binary

March 28, 2022

NRL faces a life or death decision

Biological males appropriating womanhood is about to hit hard in Australia. Over the past few weeks, even months, there has been an increasing awareness of transgender athletes making a mockery of female sport.

March 24, 2022

World Cycling set to betray women

Biological males may be able to compete as females in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. The world governing body for cycling, Union Cycliste Internationale, will oversee the rules around inclusion.

March 23, 2022

DeSantis to award first place to female swimmer

This is what real leadership looks like. Here is what Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis said regarding the female imposter Lia Thomas being allowed to rob the female swimmer Emma Weyant of her win in the 500-yard freestyle event at the Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships.

March 02, 2022

Mouncey is wrong about women’s sport

In a Canberra Times opinion piece last week, transgender athlete Hannah Mouncey weighed into the debate about Claire Chandler’s Save Women’s Sports Bill. Since Mouncey’s arguments are substantively similar to other activist hyperventilations on this subject, it provides a good specimen to pull apart so we can correct some factual errors, arrest the spin and inject common sense back into this important public debate.