November 25, 2022
Muslim and Christian parents team up to sue school
Muslim and Christian parents have joined forces to protect children from gender ideology in Bethel Ohio, USA.
Muslim and Christian parents have joined forces to protect children from gender ideology in Bethel Ohio, USA.
The BBC has lied to its readers by claiming a male criminal was female.
One day history will judge the judges, the media outlets that print lies, and the men who callously and selfishly appropriate womanhood. Yet again we’re faced with a story horrifying and beyond comprehension.
The Family First Party in Victoria has promised to roll back Victoria’s conversion therapy laws if elected this November. With more than 50 candidates, the party says it is confident it will be able to have an impact in the upcoming state election.
A primary school teacher is fighting a legal test case in the UK over gender “affirming” policies.
Finally, some common sense and decency! UK justice Secretary Brandon Lewis announced that transgender prisoners “with male genitalia” should “no longer be held” in women’s prisons.
Jeff Younger continues to fight for his 10-year-old son who now faces the very real threat of chemical castration.
The UK court case to determine whether or not an organisation lobbying for sex-based realities deserves charity status has continued this week. Mermaids, a group that promotes the trans political narrative, has floundered against LBG Alliance, a group that promotes the reality of biological sex.
Two charities are going head-to-head in the UK. Mermaids, a group supporting the appropriating of sex via ‘gender identity’ is challenging the charity status of LGB Alliance, a group that insists biological sex is paramount.
The ABC and the ACT Children’s Court have blatantly disregarded the facts in the case of a violent child sex offender.
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